I started stitching my next design, but after some discussion with others, we figured it was better to do it on a lower count. It's got an awful lot of over one stitching in it, and we feared it might frighten people away on 36 ct. Soooo... after some urgent, immediate attention emails (lol) 32 ct fabric is ordered, and additional threads are on the way. :)
While that will leave me a bit pressed for time as far as getting the model done in time - not terribly, as I have holidays for two weeks starting in 7 days!!! excited!!! - but... it left me a few days to relax and just stitch for me.
I couldn't decide what to stitch! I was so excited at the prospect of a week or two of downtime that I was overwhelmed by my choices! I could have been a good girl and started on Daffodil, the next in the flower series, but hey, it was found time! Should I start Time Well Spent, which is kitted up and ready to go? Should I start Wallace/Robertson, also kitted up and ready to go? Turkish Delight? Growth Rings? Bramble and Rose? Spanish Blue? Again, all kitted, all ready to stitch. Or I could work on any one of my multitude of WIPs... but after all my hard work on Forget Me Not, I wanted a new start.
I decided I wanted to stitch something with red. Don't know why especially, but I was craving some red. And since I had this lovely piece of 36 ct Magnolia that was already out and was no longer going to get used, I decided to use it for it's original intended purpose -
Sampler Cove's The Strawberry Sampler. I'm stitching this one almost the same as the model, except that I've changed the greens, because I had a whole bunch of greens from the Renaissance Green NPI range on hand. I really have to hand it to Diane. Her choice of colours is fantastic!!! If you like specialty stitches and band samplers, this one is a definite must have. No pictures today, I'm not that far in yet, but I'll post one when my materials for my model get here and I switch it out. :)
And in other news.... the reason for my holidays. My mother in law - well future mother in law - is coming to visit! I'm so excited. I miss her terribly, we haven't seen her in two years. We both always have good intentions of visiting more often, but it's not always easy to just hop on a plane and fly 3500 miles, is it? We're not planning on doing a whole lot. Maybe a day at the zoo because it's so pretty there and she'd enjoy that. And visiting with my parents and brother of course. Dinner out and some wandering around town maybe. But it's more just to get together and have some down time to relax and just see each other!! I've promised to teach her to stitch. :) I've had supplies here to send her for ages, but she wanted one on one lessons. lol
Not much else to report today, just a bit of rambling. :)