Well, after a slight mishap with getting my fabric (first piece got lost, darn P.O!) which set me back a few weeks, I am back on track. The stitching is about 2/3 done! So as long as I don't have any major disasters, I'm well on my way to an October release. I really want to release at the Online Needlework Show, in support of Cindy, the wonderful lady who runs it, as she is also the retail side of European Cross Stitch, my distributor. What better way to introduce a new design, right?
I'm soooo happy with the way this one is turning out. After 10 days of stitching, I actually get depressed when I have to go to work or to bed and can't stitch on it. lol The colours are glorious, a huge thanks to Anne from Gloriana and Sharon from Crescent Colours for these amazing fall colours. They really are to die for.
Here's a little peek for anyone who's curious:

What else is new? Well I've been plotting out colours for another new design which I'm planning for a February release - giving myself a bit more time with this one. I still have to finish charting it, but the idea is pretty solid in my mind now, so that should go quickly. I think I'm settled on colours - I'm pretty set on Gloriana again for this one, she has some really great delicate, light colours which are exactly what I'm looking for. The design is another Celtic, this time snowflakes. I've also been doing some colour selection for some smaller designs, geometric flower patterns, which I'll probably use Dinky Dyes for. Jo's got some really great flowery colours.
And I've been doing some stash diving, planning out some colour schemes for some personal stitching. I pulled out my eterna silk sample cards - I had forgotten just how pretty these are! There are some really great overdyed colours and a huge range of solids. I don't know that I'd ever design with these, I know a lot of people don't like working with filament silks, but I'm going to kit up a few projects with them to start soon. I personally love them. :) For the curious, filament silks are a bit tougher to work with - they tend to twist up a fair bit, and they stick to hands and fabrics, while at the same time being a bit slippery - needles can slide off when you dangle to untangle. But the effect is really astonishing - they're very shiny and the colours tend to be very, very rich. I'm thinking I might order some overdyes for a couple of Sampler Cove designs I'm kitting. Yes, I'm going to start some MORE Sampler Cove designs. I've got 5 finishes under my belt now, but these are addictive. I want to stitch them ALL! Eventually I will. When we finally build our house, I will have a Sampler Cove wall. :)
*Sigh* Well it's off to work now. But I have tomorrow and Tuesday off to model stitch - I figure I'll get at least another 25 - 30 hours in. :D I'm determined.